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Considering the innovation of brand development and creative marketing, we offer participation in the franchise of  SNOWMAN brand


от 150



от 10


Pure profit



one-time payment



(monthly payment) 

18 месяцев

The investment payback period

Snowman  - This is a powerful business complex based on a flexible business model. Self-service car wash complexes have a high promotion potential, to which several quality circles (advantages) are attached, making it the most attractive and popular for its target audiences

With the help of a business model Snowmann   Self-service washing facilities can be opened for2,4,6,8 washing chambers. which leads to a reduction in the expenses of building the complex and marketing additional complexes 


A perfect investment proposal is based on extensive and multi-year experience in the field of car washes in Israel and guarantees a good income. In Israel the weather is stormy and dusty, so there is a demand for cheap and accessible washing.   Self-service washing is a perfect solution for those who want to wash a car with high quality, speed and financial savings   

The influence of the human factor on the work of the business is minimized, which made investments in self-service washing facilities 

Affordable and safe for long-term mediation  Snowman of brand  


How It Works

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